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Billund Airport Innovation Hub

Do you deliver digital or technological solutions related to or used in airports? And do you need to test your solution in a real-world environment – then Billund Airport has got available testing facilities.

The transportation and logistics industry is important for Denmark and the entire world. The industry experiences increased competition as many new needs must be met.

There is a need for new solutions – and new solutions call for new thoughts. Which is why it is important that innovation has the best conditions.

Digitisation and the green conversion are drivers for innovation – and by establishing Billund Airport Innovation Hub we wish to aid this change.

Test solutions in a real-world environment

Billund Airport provides the framework for test- and development collaborations as well as activities that contributes to increased innovation and development in the transportation and logistics sector.

Billund Airport is a strong regional actor with a great importance as a node for transporting both passengers and cargo, as well as a link to several collaboration partners. The airport’s intention with Billund Airport Innovation Hub is to support activities that can elevate the transportation and logistics industry, solution suppliers and collaboration partners and eventually also contribute to the airport’s own innovation and development.

As a solution supplier, you would typically be a start-up or a SME who works with solutions targeted at transportation and logistics to enhance and develop within the handling of among other things, air transportation, cargo, baggage and passengers – e.g., through use of digitization, automation, robot technology, and behavioural design.

Ascend tested a solution at Billund Airport

The Brønshøj organization Ascend, got one of the biggest airports in Central America as a customer. The software that they bought and implemented was developed with support from Billund Airport.

“You can easily stay in your office and solve a problem, but it is in a real-world environment that you gain insight into whether those who are supposed to use it can also actually use it” says CEO Peter Hemmingsen from Ascend.

Access to physical settings

As a solution supplier you will have access to the following physical settings:

  • Office space at Billund Airport or at Billund Erhverv
  • Access to normal office facilities such as printers, WIFI etc.
  • Access to meeting spaces, coffee, tea, water, and a canteen arrangement against payment
  • Good parking facilities
Test facilities

As a solution supplier you can get:

  • An opportunity to develop and test products in a real-world environment
  • Access to a professional environment with opportunities for professional sparring
  • Access to industry knowledge and network
  • Access to individual business development, counselling, mentoring, and capital


Billund Airport Innovation Hub will also provide the physical setting for other innovation activities.

Besides housing the physical settings and test facilities, Billund Airport Innovation Hub will also act as a natural centre for other innovative activities such as innovation sprints, Hackathons, theme meetings, demo day, networking events, etc.

Past activities
Inno 12 – Innovation in praxis

On Monday 18 March 2024, Billund Erhverv served as a framework for a course where a team of logistic management students from UCL Erhvervsakademi and the Professionshøjskole in Vejle had to work with logistical issues from two local businesses for 12 hours – therefore the course was called Inno12.

Hackathon 2022

Sharp minds from many different nationalities gathered at Billund Airport on Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th November 2022, to find solutions for the transportation and logistics industry. An industry that is central in Danish business and has a huge potential for new and more digital solutions.


With support from Industriens Fond, Billund Erhverv produced the 2023 analysis “Innovationshub for transport- og logistikbranchen”, which among other things underlies the activities in Billund Airport Innovation Hub.

The analysis is based on the wish to use existing industry related strength positions, and central actors who can help create competitive advantages across industry actors, and increase new and established SME’s and startups, as well as knowledge actors’ knowledge and access to the industry.

The analysis covers positionings and identification of needs at a long list of actors and stakeholders within the transportation and logistics industry, as well as startups and SMEs who are already or could potentially be suppliers to the industry.


Do you wish to know more about Billund Airport Innovation Hub, then reach out to Billund Erhverv to initiate a dialogue.

Billund Erhverv

Kløvermarken 35
7190 Billund
Tlf. +45 6915 2176

Cooperation, partnerships

Marie Skov Lillelund

Billund Erhverv
Tlf. +45 9282 3605

Test facilities

Paul-Erik Hensgen

Business developer
Billund Erhverv
Tlf. +45 9215 0109
